My name is Ian Castro and I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. My primary research area is Geoscience Education, specifically focused on accessibility and inclusion regarding underrepresented groups. My research centers around intersectionality, particularly concerning the intersections of race and disability. I am also an active member of the International Association for Geoscience Diversity ( and act as Executive Counselor. Through my current position, I help facilitate community within the IAGD, advocate for geoscientists with disabilities, and assist with sharing information about the organization at geoscience conferences.


I identify as Puerto Rican/Boricua and Latino and I use he/him/his pronouns. I have several years of experience in researching the paleoecology of the Cincinnatian and in exploring issues of inequity in the geosciences. I also helped design and actively teach an geoscience education course for early childhood, middle childhood, and special education students.


In the past, my research has focused on paleoecology and the construction of Paleozoic food webs. Currently, I am researching the intersections of race and disability through the framework of Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit).

I am currently recruiting BIPOC geoscientists with disabilities for an upcoming research project. If this interests you, please follow this link for more information on the project and how to participate.


Castro, I. O., Atchison, C. L. (2024). Acknowledging the intersectionality of geoscientists with disabilities to enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Earth Science, Systems, and Society, 4(1).

Castro, I. O., Atchison, C. L. (2023). Acknowledging the intersectionality of geoscientists with disabilities to guide diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts. GSA Abstracts with Programs.

Castro, I. O., Atchison, C. L. (2022). Turning theory into cultural change: A discussion on the application of disability critical race theory (DisCrit) in the geosciences. GSA Abstracts with Programs

Castro, I. O., Atchison, C. L. (2022). Disability critical race theory and geoscience: A call to action for new frameworks to assess accessibility and inclusion. GSA Abstracts with Programs

Kempf, H. L., Castro, I. O., Dineen, A. A., Tyler, C. L., Roopnarine, P. D. (2020). Comparisons of Late Ordovician ecosystems before and after the Richmondian invasion reveal consequences of invasive species in benthic marine paleocommunities. Paleobiology, 46(3), 320-336.

Crowley, B. E., Castro, I. O., Soarimalala, V., Goodman, S. M. (2018). Isotopic evidence for niche partitioning and the influence of anthropogenic disturbance of endemic and introduced rodents in central Madagascar. The Science of Nature, 105(1), 44

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